Water comes out from the floor of our building, do we need to have waterproofing water insulation on the foundation?
Structures are not only exposed to pressurized or unpressurized groundwater on the ground on which they are built. Precipitation such as rain, snow, soil moisture, and precipitation or utility water absorbed by the soil cause structures to be exposed to water. After the construction of the building is completed, in order to avoid waterlogging and moisture problems in the underground parts of the building due to lack of waterproofing, waterproofing must be done on the foundations, even in cases where water does not come out of the ground while digging the foundation pit.
Water coming from the ground could be prevented by insulating the basements of the buildings from the inside?
Internal waterproofing application in basement floors will not be healthy for reinforced concrete and iron reinforcement. This application is an application for comfort purposes only. Reinforced concrete and iron reinforcement will continue to rot by being exposed to water. The correct thing is to protect it with bundling waterproofing to be made from the outside of the foundation.
Possible to apply bituminous waterproofing membranes without using a primer?
The primer eliminates the adhesion-inhibiting effects of substances such as dust or soil on the surface and ensures a clean surface. It also increases the adhesion (adherence) between the bituminous waterproofing membranes and the concrete surface. For these reasons, it should not be applied without primer on concrete surfaces. There is no need for a primer in applications (wood, etc.) on surfaces other than concrete surfaces.
What is the purpose of carrier reinforcement inside the bituminous waterproofing membranes?
These reinforcements are used to increase the mechanical resistance of bituminous waterproofing membranes against structural movements and loads. In general, polyester felt or fiberglass carriers are used in bituminous waterproofing membranes.
What should be considered when choosing bituminous waterproofing membranes?
There are many criteria to consider here. Among these, the climate in which the building is located and the characteristics of the building come to mind first. When choosing a bituminous waterproofing membrane, it is necessary to choose products with quality certificates. The fact that quality materials are not preferred causes the waterproofing application to be unhealthy and brings additional costs.
Is bituminous waterproofing membranes applied only to concrete surfaces?
It can be applied to concrete and wooden surfaces. It is possible to adhere to other surfaces as well.
How long is the life of bitumen waterproofing membranes?
Bituminous waterproofing drapes, if appropriately selected and properly detailed structure It can maintain its performance uninterruptedly throughout its lifetime. However, the life of bituminous waterproofing membranes with low quality is shorter . is happening
Are bituminous waterproofing membranes resistant to sunlight?
Mineral or aluminum foil coated bituminous waterproofing coatings are resistant to UV rays. Other bituminous waterproofing membranes are UV resistant when covered with a protection layer (Screed, concrete, coating plates, etc. ). are unaffected by their work.
Why Do You Recommend Waterproofing?
The water penetrating our buildings causes corrosion of the iron in the bearing parts of our buildings and a decrease in their carrying capacity. Water causes the concrete to rot and cracking. In addition to ensuring the safety of the building, the waterproofing application provides healthy and comfortable environments by preventing the formation of bacteria and mold and the dripping of water from our roofs or ceilings.